“What a great concept!Who knows better how to teach healing than those gifted enough to heal themselves.” Dr. Mehmet Oz, Renowned heart surgeon, co-author of "YOU: The Owner's Manual"
"Friends' Health Connection is wonderful for people to have a place to turn to.A diagnosis can be very frightening and confusing and sometimes it is hard to make sense out of a lot of medical facts.A friend who has had a lot of similar experiences can be invaluable to help you sort through a difficult time." Dr. Joan Merrill Chief – Division of Rheumatology, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Medical Center "Friends' Health Connection fosters interaction among patients and their families to develop and share coping skills for how to deal better with their illness." Dr. Peter Schur Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School “A message from a friend can bring a smile to anyone’s face.And for many, a smile is a welcome break in the routine of fighting physical pain, being poked and prodded by well-meaning doctors and facing the isolation of illness…FHC friends experience an immediate bond of understanding and camaraderie.Whether it’s two cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or two teenagers waiting for lung transplants, their feeling of kinship is in many ways as important to their health as their daily medications.” UNOS Update, published by the United Network of Organ Sharing